Quellen & weiterführende Lektüre
eine Auswahl der Recherche, die reconstruct:alan_turing zugrunde liegt.
Primärquelle (Originaldokumente)
Sekundärquellen - Monografien
Andrew Hodges: "Alan Turing, Enigma", 1983
Sara Turing: "Alan M. Turing" (Centenary Edition), 2012
David Leavitt: "The man who knew too much - Alan Turing And The Invention Of The Computer (Great Discoveries)", 2006
Charles Petzold: "The annotated Alan Turing: A Guided Tour Through Alan Turing's Historic Paper on Computability and the Turing Machine", 2008
Rolf Hochhuth: "Alan Turing", 2015
Sekundärquellen - Online
Roland Pease (BBC News): "Alan Turing: Inquest's suicide verdict 'not supportable'", 2012
Roger Highfield (The Science Museum Blog): "The spirit of Alan Turing", 2012
Martin Burckhardt (FAZ): "Alan Turing und sein Ende: Ein böser Märchenstoff", 2016
Bill Browning (Out.com): "Alan Turing's Personal Letters Reveal His Inner Turmoil"
The Guardian: "Alan Turing inquest verdict is questionable"
Laura Döing (DW.com): "Die geheimen Taten des Alan Turing"
BBC: "Alan Turing: Collegues share their memories"
Dalya Alberge (The Guardian): "Letters reveal Alan Turing’s battle with his sexuality", 2015
BBC Witness History: "The death of Alan Turing" (Audio)
Vincent Dowd (BBC News): "What was Alan Turing really like?", 2014